So do you think I can still use this housing or should I start looking for a new one?
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All housings get really thin between the hand hole cover bore and the wear ring bore. If it hasn't worn all the way through, you could get a little more life out of it.
Just understand that even undamaged Berkeley housings are prone to cracking in this area. Also, the efficiency will be down because internal leakage past the wear ring will increase.
To specifically answer your question, I would have to see it in person before I would agree to use that suction housing. Then, your application needs to be considered. If it is destined for a cruiser AND it is not too far gone, you could potentially get a lot of life out of it. In a performance application, it is not a matter of IF, but WHEN it will crack.
HOWEVER, if it does crack, the wear ring will spin, damaging the impeller. It could also flood the boat as water will leak behind the hand hole cover.
I would also check the thrust bearing bore for damage seeing how the bearing disintegrated.
If it were me, just replace the damaged or worn parts.