thank you for the link, so i ended up cleaning the valve, took it apart and found a nice little stick jamming the ball up. i took off the rubber seal and i submerged the tee, spring, and ball in gasoline and wire brushed everything. the valve looks brand new so hopefully it will work. so is there any type of screen filter i could put inline before the tee valve to help prevent the t valve geting stuck with debris? like a small not sure putting it inline after the "thermostat" housing would be a good idea tho. what do you think? also these shutoff valves for the water injection you guys run near the drivers seat, you run water lines all the way up ? if you do it hides well? i wonder if i could some how make a shut off valve mounted to my motor near the throttle cable and thermostat. using the carb linkage to acuate the valve, run a metal linkage from carb linkage to the valve so when at idle the valve
is shut and off idle the valve begans to open? crazy thought maybe
This is the way my boat used to be. When I got it, the shop I took it to said just put a Basset tee on it.
Like Daniel said, Keep It Simple.
As for the shut off valve, I have just a ball valve coming off the t-stat housing. If you want to have the valve by the driver seat and hide the lines, you could run the hose under the seat box with some modification. Or
you could run them along the gunnel (there should be some space between the seats and the hull) and just find a good place to mount the valve