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Messages - ADDvanced

Pages: [1]
WTB:  Roadrunner trailer setup for a Sleekcraft Twin Tunnel SST or Twin Tunnel Aristocrat.  All sleeks were shipped with a road runner trailer with bunks that fit in the tunnels, I am hunting for an ORIGINAL trailer for my aristocrat.  I am located in the midwest

Please text me at 6zero8-358-2802

I am getting desprate.  Sick of my piece of shit jim bob hacked ass special trailer.

WTB:  Roadrunner trailer setup for a Sleekcraft Twin Tunnel SST or Twin Tunnel Aristocrat.  All sleeks were shipped with a road runner trailer with bunks that fit in the tunnels, I am hunting for an ORIGINAL trailer for my aristocrat.  I am located in the midwest.  If there's a project boat on it, even better. 

Please text me at 6zero8-358-2802

Still looking!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WTB:  Roadrunner trailer setup for a Sleekcraft Twin Tunnel SST or Twin Tunnel Aristocrat.  All sleeks were shipped with a road runner trailer with bunks that fit in the tunnels, I am hunting for an ORIGINAL trailer for my aristocrat.  I am located in the midwest

Please text me at 6zero8-358-2802


Pages: [1]


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