Absolute Speed & Marine
75th Annual Thanksgiving Regatta/
SCSC 2021 Season Finals
Presented by
Nick Rose Insurance
Frederick & Sons Heating & Air, Brink Property Mgmt, RaceTec Pistons, Hot Rods & Hobbies, Amsoil, Marks Towing
November 26 & 27, 2021
Redondo Beach, CA September - For the past 74 years, The Southern California Speedboat Club Sprint Boats have been roaring to life around an 1 ¼ mile oval course laid out on the Colorado River in Parker, AZ. This year marks a historic milestone as The Southern California Speedboat Club (SCSC) will hold their 75th annual Thanksgiving Regatta at La Paz County Park. The race will feature 15 classes of some of the fastest sprint boats, both Inboard and Outboard in the nation.
It all comes down to this. The 2021 The Absolute Speed & Marine 75th Annual Thanksgiving Regatta where the season championships conclude in all classes. Set to race for the historic event are: Grand Nationals, Unblown Flat, Sportsman Entry (SE), GPS 100, Crackerbox, Comp Jets, Formula One Tunnel Boats, Mod VP Classic, Production Ski Racing and the Sportsman Limited Stock Outboard classes. Speeds range from 50 mph in the Jr. & Sportsman Limited classes up to 130+ mph.
The 75th Annual Thanksgiving Regatta starts on Friday November 26th at La Paz County Park. Racing begins at 9:00 a.m. and should last until 4:30 each day.
So come out and celebrate 75 great years of sprint boat racing at the premiere venue on the Colorado River!
The admission to the park is $10/adult/day, Children under 12 are free. Please park in the spectator parking lot and come on down to the beach area to take in all the excitement that Sprint Boat Racing has to offer!
This event will be livestreamed at
www.surfrat.tvThe Southern California Speedboat Club is looking for some volunteers for River Closure and or patrol/tow boats at the 75th Annual Thanksgiving Regatta/2021 Season Championships on Friday & Saturday, November 26 & 27.
Duties are very light and best seat in the house! Also, if you can't do both days but would like to volunteer for one of the days we would appreciate the help!! All river closure/patrol/tow boats receive a souvenir event t-shirt.
Questions or for more information, please call, text or email (310) 318-4012 or rpmracingent@yahoo.com
For all updates and information, please visit
www.scscracing.com, like us on Facebook and Instagram or contact Ross Wallach at (310) 318-4012 for more information.