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Boat Racing / 78th annual thanksgiving regatta
« on: November 21, 2024, 03:56:02 PM »
 78th annual thanksgiving regatta at the Blue Water Casino
Friday Nov 29th and Saturday Nov 30th

A thanksgiving tradition.


Boat Racing / Jet boat #9
« on: October 27, 2024, 10:15:32 AM »
To the guy and team that had the ONLY Jet Boat in the Parker Enduro yesterday. CONGRATULATIONS on finishing, a monumental accomplishment.
Great job.


Boat Racing / 77th Annual Thanksgiving Regatta
« on: November 16, 2023, 09:38:26 AM »

November 24 & 25 - The Blue Water Resort & Casino Absolute Speed & Marine 77th Annual Thanksgiving Regatta Presented by Nick Rose Insurance, Frederick & Son's Heating &  Air, RaceTec Pistons, Parker Oil

Boat Racing / ADBA Drag boat racing, Parker, Mar 31, Apr 1&2
« on: March 29, 2023, 08:17:40 AM »

ADBA in Parker, AZ
March 31st, and April 1st and 2nd.
At Pirates Den Resort


Boat Racing / 75th annual Thanksgiving Regatta
« on: November 16, 2021, 08:07:31 AM »

Absolute Speed & Marine
75th Annual Thanksgiving Regatta/
SCSC 2021 Season Finals
Presented by
Nick Rose Insurance
Frederick & Sons Heating & Air, Brink Property Mgmt, RaceTec Pistons, Hot Rods & Hobbies, Amsoil, Marks Towing
November 26 & 27, 2021

Redondo Beach, CA September -  For the past 74 years, The Southern California Speedboat Club Sprint Boats have been roaring to life around an 1 ¼ mile oval course laid out on the Colorado River in Parker, AZ.  This year marks a historic milestone as The Southern California Speedboat Club (SCSC) will hold their 75th annual Thanksgiving Regatta at La Paz County Park.  The race will feature 15 classes of some of the fastest sprint boats, both Inboard and Outboard in the nation.

It all comes down to this.  The 2021 The Absolute Speed & Marine 75th Annual Thanksgiving Regatta where the season championships conclude in all classes.   Set to race for the historic event are: Grand Nationals, Unblown Flat, Sportsman Entry (SE), GPS 100, Crackerbox, Comp Jets, Formula One Tunnel Boats, Mod VP Classic, Production Ski Racing and the Sportsman Limited Stock Outboard classes.  Speeds range from 50 mph in the Jr. & Sportsman Limited classes up to 130+ mph.

The 75th Annual Thanksgiving Regatta starts on Friday November 26th at La Paz County Park.  Racing begins at 9:00 a.m. and should last until 4:30 each day. 

So come out and celebrate 75 great years of sprint boat racing at the premiere venue on the Colorado River! 

The admission to the park is $10/adult/day, Children under 12 are free.  Please park in the spectator parking lot and come on down to the beach area to take in all the excitement that Sprint Boat Racing has to offer!

This event will be livestreamed at

The Southern California Speedboat Club is looking for some volunteers for River Closure and or patrol/tow boats at the 75th Annual Thanksgiving Regatta/2021 Season Championships on Friday & Saturday, November 26 & 27.
Duties are very light and best seat in the house! Also, if you can't do both days but would like to volunteer for one of the days we would appreciate the help!! All river closure/patrol/tow boats receive a souvenir event t-shirt.
Questions or for more information, please call, text or email (310) 318-4012 or

For all updates and information, please visit, like us on Facebook and Instagram or contact Ross Wallach at (310) 318-4012 for more information.

The No Wake Zone / That time of year again
« on: December 04, 2020, 04:59:20 AM »

Happy holidays


Boat Racing / 74th annual Thanksgiving Regatta
« on: November 20, 2020, 07:40:26 AM »
From SCSC Racing:

"Absolute Speed & Marine 74th Annual Thanksgiving Regatta presented by Nick Rose Insurance Update
Posted: November 16, 2020

Update 11/19/20: SCSC is pleased to formally announce 74th Annual Thanksgiving Regatta is on!! Update 11/18/20: I just spoke with La Paz County Park Director and we are preliminarily a go for the Absolute Speed & Marine 74th Annual Thanksgiving Regatta presented by Nick Rose Insurance. I have a final conference call tomorrow (Thursday, November 19, at 9:00 am) to iron out final details. Most likely the following: All teams will get temperature check when they come into the park or pit …


I'll be there.


The No Wake Zone / That time of year again
« on: November 29, 2019, 04:19:44 AM »


From RPM Racing

The last race of the 2019 SCSC racing season, The Blue Water Resort & Casino 73rd Annual Thanksgiving Regatta - SCSC 2019 Season Championships Presented by Nick Rose Insurance, Absolute Speed & Marine, Mike Brink Property Mgmt, RaceTec Pistons, Jet Re-Nu, Hot Rods & Hobbies, Amsoil, Twisted Liquid Marine on Friday & Saturday, November 29 & 30th.

It all comes down to this, come out to see who will be crowned 2019 Champion in each class!

Grab the family and come down to The Blue Water Resort & Casino and catch all the racing action! Practice at 9, racing at 11. Admission is Free, please park in Resort parking lot.

For those that can't make it down to Parker, the event will be livestreamed at surfrat

For all updates and information, please visit Home Page | SCSC Racing or call (310) 318-4012 email

Boat Racing / Jet Boat Racing
« on: November 13, 2019, 01:31:28 PM »
Quoted from RPM RACING

Calling all Jet Boat racing enthusiasts and Comp Jet Racers!! Classic Jet (85 mph max GPS) is looking to make a return 2020! Wanna go racing??? This is "run whatcha brung" racing!! No spec for engine displacement, anything goes! For more information please contact or 310-318-4012

V-Drives / Direct Drive ski prop needed.
« on: January 17, 2019, 12:32:36 PM »
Looking for a prop for a buddy of mine. 1990 Malibu ski boat. 19' , 350 mercruiser inboard. 275 hp.

Original prop was a 13x13 lc 1, from the interwebs.

Is this a 3 or 4 blade originally?

The one thats on it now is a 4 blade of unknown pitch / diameter.

He no longer pulls skiers with it, just uses it for cruising the river at Laughlin / Bullhead.

He said the prop that's on it is more for top end (speed), and wants to keep it that way. Blistering, water on fire, 43 mph. With a full cooler of boat sodas.

School me on what it needs, or works well. (Uhumm Glenn...GT Jets...)

Also, the rudder is, well, not exactly straight. Can that be straightened? (Leans to the left,  circle boat?)


Boat Racing / 2018 Parker Thanksgiving Classic Regatta
« on: November 14, 2018, 07:57:05 AM »
Who's going? Any turn out for Comp Jet?

I'll be there, if anybody needs a hand at anything.


Engine Mechanical / Electrical / Engine placement? Joe/flusher
« on: September 28, 2018, 07:28:44 PM »
19' Miller SJ, flat deck.

WJ pump, no set back.

383 Chevy, 375 pounds, dressed.

Hull is in the 575-600 pound range.

Would there be any benefit to moving the motor forward? If so, how much, and what dictates this? Center of gravity? Or?

Seating is not an issue, top speed and turning is.


WarZone / Stupid kid
« on: January 28, 2017, 10:55:25 AM »

The year was 1988. My pops was an investor in a boat shop. The "owner" had a couple of old boats at the shop, that were in the way for inventory/customers' boats. So, my Pops and I loaded them up onto a car carrier and brought them back to the ranch.

These 2 boats were gutted, one had a broken intake in it, the other the intake was gone. There was some bow damage, mostly from not being on trailers for maybe 10+ years. They were both 18-19' hulls. Pops (50 at the time,) and I (18) lifted one at a time on to the car carrier. Them hulls couldn't have been more than 400 lbs. And they were both TUNNEL Hulls. They were both rigged at one time, and one had a set back pump. The "owner" said they were race boats at one time, I don't know. I had NOOO CLUE what was laying in my back yard!!!

I was enlisting in the Navy at the time, and after that fell through, I went to Marine Mechanics school. Daytona Beach, Fla., then on to Havasu and blah blah blah...

I always wondered what happened to them hulls. Scrapped? ReBuilt? Maybe one (or both) are here on SCJB

Anyone ever get a Tunnel Hull out of Hesperia, Ca?

Thats all I got.


Who made them? I don't know. Where'd the go to? I don't know that either.

The No Wake Zone / 10 years ago
« on: October 21, 2016, 09:06:13 AM »
This week

Happy birthday SCJB


Project Boats For Sale / Hallett Flatbottom Project
« on: May 25, 2016, 09:45:41 AM »
Brothers project boat.
Mid 60's Hallett, (66?) I think.
Needs everything, and more.
Has v-drive box, and a rail kit? in it, rudder (bent) prop shaft (probably bent, too)
Stringers seem solid.
The pics are old, but hasn't changed any.
Single axle trailer, has been 'rigged' to support the hull.
No title on trailer or hull. Brother bought it at a wrecking yard sale, in '06?

Here's the thread for pics:
(first 5 pics)

$600 obo...
Located in Riverside, Ca   (60fwy x 91fwy)

PM for any Q's or other details.


Engine Mechanical / Electrical / Who runs air cleaners/filters?
« on: March 18, 2016, 05:19:59 PM »
And why not?


WarZone / Boater responsibility?
« on: July 21, 2014, 01:17:33 PM »
Like the title says, what is MY responsibility when out enjoying my boat?
Last Sunday, after launching @ BHC Comm. park, I was idling out beyond the congested area, (no 'No Wake Zone') and a jetski overturns, 20-30 feet away from me, drifting towads me, with 3 people on(off) it. All of them looked like they were under 16. One girl was hysterical about being in the water and floating down the river with an upside-down ski. Another kid didn't even have a life vest on. Their friends had another ski, and it went over too. They were close enough to shore to swim and drag that ski. I ended up with the 3 kids in the boat and towing the flipped ski to shore- Maybe 60-70 feet from shore.
Yes- they were rentals
Yes- they spoke English, as a second language.

I've helped many boaters out on the river and lakes, and I've also been helped, but this was clearly irresponsible jetskiers, and their parents, and I didn't want someone to drown.
If I had open headers or a prop boat, I would be leery of approaching them, for obvious reasons, especially in this shallow water.
If ya cant handle the river, get the fxxk off!!!
Maybe I'm just getting old


Topock / Laughlin / River after work
« on: June 25, 2013, 04:32:47 PM »
Leaving at 5-5:15 or so...till dark:30, Davis dam to Big Bend area


Topock / Laughlin / Lake Mohave/Katherines
« on: May 17, 2013, 01:04:27 PM »
Who's going 5/18?
Just a day trip 'round the south side- Davis Cove- Gasoline Alley-Telephone Cove NV, or where ever its not too crowded- If its blown out, I'll hit the river(side) launch


Jet Pumps / Berk Pump specs?
« on: March 05, 2013, 09:13:37 AM »
Looking for some Berk pump specs, Wear ring to impeller,( I.D & O.D. ) Whats new specs, serviceable specs, and plumb wore out? Also front to rear- impeller to wear ring, (shimming the impeller).
Not an all out race deal, just a heavy azz daycruiser pig.



WTB / WTB...Bronze wear ring
« on: March 01, 2013, 07:49:39 AM »
Any one have a bronze shouldered wear ring, 7.200" I.D., X 3/4" (A/T)?
Mines at 7.262" I.D., and Impeller is at 7.214 to 7.201 O.D.


Engine Mechanical / Electrical / Broken Rocker
« on: July 21, 2012, 02:05:18 PM »
Have an unknown set of aluminum roller rockers, and one broke in half
Been thinking of going stainless steel, anything to stay away from?

looking at these


Engine Mechanical / Electrical / Starter teeth missing
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:42:58 PM »
Was at the river on Sat heading up river near Lazy Harry's amd ran out of fuel on one side. The elec. fuel pump fed the carb and hit the starter-- and it sounded like a coffee grinder. I suspected a broken nosecone oe a cracked starter mounting pad, but all the teeth are gone on the pinion gear. 4 starters in 2.5 seasons, last one in october 2011. (checkerzone rebuild)

Puttin in one of these:

ON a side note  :beer: THANKS :beer: to the jet boat guy that towed us to Lazy Harry's, wouldn't take money or beer .

Mash on it

Topock / Laughlin / Veterans Day 2011
« on: November 07, 2011, 05:44:47 PM »
I have made this trip for the last dozen years...
Launch at the Riverside, (IN-N-OUT to go), See the ceremony at sportsmans park, (11:00 NV time)Head toward Lazy Harry's, see the flag raising at Veterans' Memorial Park, (11:00 am AZ. ) few barley pops (and rooster tails) Trailer the boat, hit Casa Seranno.

Weather should be in low 70's,  14K water flows  :thumbup:

"For those who served"

Mash on it

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